Doctor who season 1 episode 2 2005
Doctor who season 1 episode 2 2005

doctor who season 1 episode 2 2005

Autons - Alan Ruscoe, Paul Kasey, David Sant, Elizabeth Fost, Helen Otway.


It was also the first whole series of Doctor Who to be broadcast on a national, commercial network in the United States, thanks to a late deal with the Sci-Fi Channel.Īnd introducing David Tennant as Doctor Who Recurring Unlike the more recent series, series 1 was produced under a partnership deal with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. John Barrowman's Jack Harkness, who was introduced in this story, would go on to have a profound impact on the shape and scope of the Doctor Who universe. Writer Steven Moffat also began a three-year domination of the Hugo Award "Short Form Presentation" category by winning one for his The Empty Child/ The Doctor Dances two-parter. Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper both won National Television Awards for "Favourite Actor" and "Favourite Actress". Perhaps more importantly, it was the first time that a series of Doctor Who had actually won a BAFTA. Its BAFTA nomination was the first for the series since season 15 and the first ever for the programme in an "adult" category. It won the National Television Award and BAFTA for "Best Drama Series", confirming its popular and critical success. Series 1 was characterised not just by its unexpected success with the British public, but also by the teething problems inherent in filming a major, special-effects-heavy series in a country that, until then, had little experience with that kind of production. A then-sleepy satellite of the BBC was transformed by this series' success into a major hub of British television production. Ultimately, the decision to make the series in Cardiff rather than London not only changed the face of Doctor Who, but also reshaped the British television industry. With Gatiss and Cornell, he actively told them that he wanted their scripts to be similar in tone to what they had written for the VNAs. Though RTD wrote the bulk of the series, he also brought in Mark Gatiss, Robert Shearman, Paul Cornell and Steven Moffat on the basis of their previous Doctor Who writing work for the Virgin New Adventures and Short Trips ranges.

doctor who season 1 episode 2 2005

The series also brought the return of individual episode titles for the first time since The Gunfighters in season 3. As such, series 1 saw many of the classic era's elements remain, notably the Doctor's history as a Time Lord, his use of the sonic screwdriver, his TARDIS, and the return of his original nemesis the Daleks.

doctor who season 1 episode 2 2005

Their pitch was successful, with RTD's desires to have the series be a continuation, rather than a reboot, of the original being successful. The struggles to bring Doctor Who back to BBC One after such a long absence are the subject of several documentaries and behind-the-scenes explorations, all of which confirm that series 1 was the result of the struggles of several individuals apart from RTD himself - notably BBC execs Jane Tranter and Lorraine Heggessey, as well as RTD's fellow executive producers, Julie Gardner and Mal Young. But credit for the series hardly belonged to RTD alone. Its head writer was Russell T Davies, and thus the series was the start of what fans colloquially refer to as the "RTD era", coming nearly sixteen years after the previous season, though only nine years after the last television story. Series 1 consisted of ten stories and thirteen episodes. The season also introduced Jack Harkness, planting the seed for the spin-off Torchwood. The Parting of the Ways featured the revived series' first regeneration. Series 1 also provided the first major information about the Last Great Time War. This meme was seen in the majority of the episodes. It dealt with the words " Bad Wolf" being spread across time and space, which was the main arc of the series. Series 1 introduced the Ninth Doctor, along with new companion Rose Tyler.

Doctor who season 1 episode 2 2005